Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you

Tax Sales

Tax sales are conducted periodically throughout the year by our delinquent tax attorneys, Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins & Mott, LLP.

Tax sales may only be conducted on the first Tuesday of the month. If a tax sale is to be conducted in a given month, a list of the properties to be sold, the minimum bid amounts, information regarding properties, and the general rules for bidding will be displayed on the attorney's website approximately 30 days in advance of the sale date. All tax sales are conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Property Tax Code and the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.

Unlike some other states, Texas does not sell tax lien certificates. Texas law requires judicial foreclosure of tax liens held by political subdivisions. Property that is encumbered by a tax lien securing payment of delinquent taxes may only be sold at tax sales.

Next Delinquent Tax Sale

1st Tuesday of the month at 10 am. Confirm the next tax sale on the attorney's website.


East side of the Montague County Courthouse at 101 E Franklin, Montague, TX 76251